

Career Coaching

Feel like you’re stuck in a job and going nowhere fast? Or are you thinking about embarking on a freelance career and don’t know how to get started? Most of us are held back by fear of failure, and often having the support of someone to help us through those difficult moments can make all the difference. I can also work with you on establishing where you’re happiest in work and how to get that a balance between work and life that makes sense for you.


Goal Setting

Nothing is ever achieved without being clear about your goals and how to get here. No matter what your challenge is, we’ll work together to create short-term and long-term achievable goals. We’ll also develop a system for checking in on progress and how to get where you need to be in a manageable and realistic way. We’ll review our goals constantly and help you achieve things you only ever dreamed of. 



I promise to be always transparent about costs. Here are my main costs for some of the tasks above. Am happy to work with you on a cost and payment schedule that suits us both.

(Normally £70)

One hour of my time and a follow-up email. For those immediate tasks and challenges where you just need someone to talk things through and point you in the right direction. Good for meeting prep or reviewing presentations. Also ideal for reading copy and giving feedback. Another popular task is working with you on what to charge a client for your time and advice on how to pitch. Most of these tasks can be competed in one hour with a follow up summary by email.

MONTHLY WORK DAD INTRODUCTORY RATE: £250 per month (Normally £350)

We’ll work together on your goals and priorities (hopefully with a face-to-face session) and follow up with a weekly one hour phone call and unlimited texts and emails to help you stay on the right track and offer you the support you need. This package is great for those needing the support to embark on a big new challenge (Such as going freelance or finding a new job).

CV MOT £150

We’ll work together on your CV and produce a number of designs and drafts. We’ll also spend time on a writing covering letter template you can adapt for different potential suppliers. We’ll also update your LinkedIn profile.

Not sure where to start? Just get in touch via the links below and we’ll work out a plan that suits you. What are you waiting for?

Business Advice

Just as in life, we can sometimes get stuck with our businesses and are unsure how to grow them to the next level. From pricing and branding to new business and managing growth, I can help take your business to the next level. We can explore your market and competitors and find that elusive price point for your products and services and work together on a strategy to take things to the next level. From reviewing a pitch or outreach to a new client to a complete strategic process for growth, we can work at a level that suits you best. 


Life Decisions

It’s not always about work and careers, though. Big life decisions need thought and planning, too, and I can work with you on making the changes you need to get you where you want to be. From moving home to relationship challenges, we’ll use our conversations and tools to explore each situation’s pros and cons and develop a realistic and achievable plan. I can be there for you along the way when things get tough, and you need that extra support.